you honestly believe that I would let all of you eat all the food that I had cooked? No way. You can't pull the same trick on me again, just relax and control your temper because you still have to stay in this house Mara. Mara hurriedly finished eating, and went to a smaller room. She immediately started ironing the clothes of Lindsay and Donita. Suddenly, Mara remembered she had also hidden bread on the side of her skirt, so she immediately stopped ironing and locked the door of the smaller room. Smiling a little, Mara ate the delicious bread that she had forgotten to eat inside Lindsay and Donita's room.
"What aren't you done yet, hurry up because you still have a lot of clothes to wash afterwards!" laughing, Lindsay shouted looking at her sister who was so busy enjoying her meal. After Lindsay finished eating, she immediately knocked on the small room's door and called Mara. "Hey Mara, why did you lock the door, is this your room huh? You open right