rice, Mara could really be trusted with all the household chores," her other beautiful stepsister Donita stated laughing a little. "And for that, go to my room now Mara and pick up my laundry, I'm using it first thing in the morning. And also iron my dress on top of my bed.
"Hey, what are you stalling for, move and iron my dress on the hanger, the yellow one , do it fast, mom, Donita and I we'll leave in a little while," Lindsay commanded Mara.
"Could I eat first, I'm really hungry," Mara asked them.
"You can only eat after you have obeyed all my daughters' commands. We're in a hurry, we're attending a special event, move and do it quick!" the fast command of her beautiful stepmother Cassandra.
Mara walked towards the room of her two stepsisters. After she got in, she immediately locked the door and quickly pulled out the food that she had hidden inside her clothes. She started eating inside the room of Lindsay and Donita. Do